About Us

Our vision

We desire to see the love of God uniquely expressed in the diversity of the SGV through gospel witness and holistic renewal.

Our mission

We believe that end-goal of discipleship is to love like Jesus. It's not just possible—it's inevitable for those who follow after him and his Way. That's why our we see  help people do 3 things:
explore faith in Jesus
experience life with him
express love like him.

Our logo

Our guiding verse comes from 1 John 4:12:
No one has seen God. but if we love each other, God lives in us and his love comes to full expression in us.
In the same way,  the "E" in our logo isn't easily seen, but what is seen is a symbol of our diversity, our boldness, and our moving from cold to hot in our faith.

Our Beliefs

The Triune God
WE BELIEVE in ONE GOD, who is eternal, all-powerful, and absolutely Holy, who has revealed himself to humans as existing in three distinguishable persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit.
(Matthew 28:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14; and John 14:15-17)
Jesus Christ
WE BELIEVE in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior of humankind – conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, fully God and fully man, He died for our sins, was buried and rose again the third day, and personally appeared to His disciples. He is returning to earth.
(Luke 1:26-35; John 1:18; Isaiah 7:14; 1 Corinthians 15:1-8, 17; Romans 4:25; 1 Tim 6:14-16)
The Holy Spirit
WE BELIEVE in the Spirit-filled life, a life of loving God and others fully and avoiding those attitudes and actions that God calls sin. We believe in the operation of the gifts of the Spirit as manifested in the Early Church.
(Ephesians 5:18; 2 Corinthians 6:14, 7:1; 1 Corinthians 12-14)
The Bible
WE BELIEVE that the Bible is God’s eternal, inspired, infallible Word in its entirety; it is the supreme standard and final authority for all conduct, faith, and doctrine.
(2 Timothy 3:16-17; 1 Corinthians 2:13; 2 Peter 1:19-21)
WE BELIEVE in eternal life for believers: a literal heaven, where we will live and reign with Christ, and a literal hell for those who reject Christ.
(John 5:24; Mark 9:43-58; 2 Thessalonians 1:9; Revelation 20:10-15)
WE BELIEVE in the creation, test, and fall of humanity as recorded in Genesis.
(Romans 5:12, 18; 8:1-9; 6:23; 3:23; 7:18, 21-25)
The Sacraments
WE BELIEVE in baptism for all who decide to follow Jesus as Lord, and in communion (or the Lord’s Table or Eucharist) as symbols of the body and blood of Christ.
(1 Corinthians 11:28-32; Matthew 28:19; Acts 2:34-36, 19:1-6)
WE BELIEVE in eternal life for believers: a literal heaven, where we will live and reign with Christ, and a literal hell for those who reject Christ.
(John 5:24; Mark 9:43-58; 2 Thessalonians 1:9; Revelation 20:10-15)
We seek gospel collaboration more than anything else. Rather than focus on differences, we see what unifies Christians. We are part of the Free Methodist Church. 

Our Values

We believe everyone is created in God’s image with inherent dignity and worth. Therefore we honor all, giving greater honor to those who lack it.
Romans 12:10 - Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.
We believe truth brings light into darkness. Therefore, we teach the whole of God’s word, and model transparency as a church and individuals.
Ephesians 4:25 - Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body.
We believe God welcomes all through Christ. Therefore, we go out of our way to welcome everyone, just as God did in Christ for us.
Romans 15:7 - Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.
We believe in the reconciliation of all things through Christ. Therefore, we seek unity across racial, political, and generational lines.  
Matthew 5:9 - Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
We believe in disciple multiplication. Therefore, we commit to replicating  groups, raising church planters, and supporting missions around the world.
Matthew 28:19–20 - Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.